The Oldest Sweet Shop In England Is Still Open – And It’s Right Here In Yorkshire

The Oldest Sweet Shop In England Is Still Open – And It’s Right Here In Yorkshire

Chocolate, hard-boiled rhubarb and custards, chewy Haribos – you name it, I love it, so I take great pride in the fact that the oldest sweet shop in the England can be found right here in Yorkshire. With nearly two centuries of expertise and knowledge have gained the shop an unrivalled expertise in confectionery with it being housed in a building dating back to the early 1600’s so you really get that ye olde vibe.

Traditional sweet shops are the pinnacle of nostalgia for me. The sweet smell of sugar dusting every surface, the rows of rainbow and pastel shades stacked up from floor to ceiling. It’s probably one of my fondest memories, and with that in mind, it’ll be no surprise when I say I, to this day, have quite the sweet tooth.

Yep, that’s right. Us Yorkshire folk have been dishing out cavities since way before anyone else, with the shop dating all the way back to 1827. It’s got jar upon jar of filled sugary treats with everything from pear drops and dolly mixture, midget gems to fruit bonbons, and all other classic sweets found in a traditional sweet shops 

Credit: The Yorkshireman

Officially holding the title in the Guinness World Book of Records, the traditional shop attracts tourists by the bus-load, with many flocking to Pateley Bridge every single year just to buy a bag of sweets. And luckily for them, the sweets aren’t as old as the shop is – so you don’t have to worry about finding any musty sweets rolled in fur while you’re there.

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In fact, the shop is still thriving – and has just switched hands to a brand new owner, just 23 years old and full of passion to retain the shop’s heritage. Most of its sweets are still crafted in the original way in England too. With the boiling done in copper pans and using sweet moulds, some of which were often a century old.

oldest sweet shop in world
Credit: The Oldest Sweet Shop In England

Stocking traditional British favourites such as Bon Bons, Liquorice Allsorts, Cinder Toffee, chocolates and more – the shop carries hundreds of varieties, with confectionary that can’t be found in many other places.

It’s pretty much a treasure trove of all things sugary, with something to suit everyone’s preference. And while the shop might be small, you could spend hours picking out different flavours to try, so we’d recommend visiting on a full stomach to save yourself the toothache later.

The oldest sweet shop in world can be found on High Street in the lovely Pateley Bridge, where you’ll also find a number of local butchers, cosy tea rooms and pubs to enjoy while you’re there. The shop offers a large selection of its sweets online, with delivery available nationwide. 39 High St, Pateley Bridge, Harrogate HG3 5JZ

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